Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Great Gatsby

I also wanted to say that today I finished reading "The Great Gatsby." I actually loved it. I thought the paradox of who Gatsby thought he was, or who he wanted to be, coming into conflict with him becoming a victim of his own vainglorious activities (trying to win back Daisy, who was married to Tom, engaging in nefarious businesses just to make the money he never had as a kid) was very telling. I think even in this day and age, people walk a good walk, and talk a good talk, but I think that right now in this country, people are paying the price for trying to show to the world that they are more than just another name, that they can have a house, and not be able to afford it, that they can get a loan, even with bad credit, and that they can buy a Coach bag, even when they have no food in the fridge. Eventually truths come out, and just as Jay Gatsby was a victim of his own ambitions, many people, right now, are victims of their own attempts to be more than they ever really were. I don't mean to say that people shouldn't have goals and dreams, but to say that you have a house that's worth millions, when you really owe millions on a house that you can't sell because it's overpriced, is something that is biting people in the asses right now. Ah, in the meantime, my husband and I are sitting and waiting like hungry vultures as the prices drop.

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