Saturday, May 17, 2008

I have to admit

That as each day passes and I see Hillary Clinton hanging on, sticking it out until the end, I am becoming more of a fan of hers than before. Everyone is telling her to drop out and save the party. Why? Fight until the bitter end, I say-both parties, Republicans and Democrats need to be changed around a little, as both are populated with extreme thinking on both sides, and as a centrist, it's hard for me to find a path to follow. Actually, I do know that the main reason this country is so messed up is that too many people do just party-line vote (I know people who are a certain party, but when you hear them talk, from what I've studied, they are so far from their so-called party's core ideology, it's not even funny, but they don't even realize it, because they have never known anything different), when they should vote on the issues, and whoever has similar ideas to mine, or if he/she has ideas that I like, I'll go with him/her, Republican or Democrat. 

I know, she's controversial and not liked by many, but you know what? Most famous people are. Who can we think of was loved be everyone and not controversial at all? I can't think of anyone, at least not anyone who's done anything big in life. We can act like that divisiveness won't happen with other candidates once they take office, but really, who are we kidding? So, I say fight on, hang on. In the end, she just might come out on top. I actually like McCain, but I don't want our troops in Iraq until 2013. If that's what he wants, then I can't vote for him. I also would like to hear about what he plans to do with the economy too, as all he mentions is terrorism and Iraq...that is, like, SOOOO 2004. :) 

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