Saturday, June 7, 2008

6 degrees

This morning as I did the dishes and listened to my tunes on Pandora (free, BTW), I thought about my old guitar teacher, Chris Traynor, who taught me guitar in Charlottesville back in 2001. He had to quit teaching me because he had a gig to be a part of...which ultimately turned out to be the lead guitarist in Bush and then Institute, led by Gavin Rossdale. I'm not sure what Chris has been up to of late, but I do find it interesting that me, a teacher, has an indirect connection to Gwenn Stefani through my old guitar teacher. How cool it would be to meet her, although I would have words with her on her latest sell-out music, and I don't mean sell-out by selling out tickets. Still, she has managed to carve her way into fame. Still, I wonder how many of us have connections to people of worldwide fame? Just off the top of my head I can think of several people I personally know who have met/worked with famous people, and I have a feeling that this is not uncommon, or is it? I wonder if somehow we all know Kevin Bacon, too. LOL! 

The funny thing is that back when Chris was trying to teach me, I was so shy. He would try to get me to relax a little, and I just couldn't. He would joke that I just needed to rock out, and I couldn't. The funny thing is that I can do just about anything in front of people now, because of what I do. If only I could have opened up back then. I'm sure he's forgotten all about me, but I'd like to be able to try again. Maybe I will. :)

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