Friday, January 2, 2009


Up until recently I loathed January. New Year's is a non-holiday. There is nothing really special about it other than the clock hit midnight and the earth finally completed its lap around the sun. That is an accomplishment, but it's not as if the sun really had to do anything to help the earth make its round, so really, to me, it's a non-holiday. I'll take it though, as it is an extension of my winter break.

When I was a kid, January was the big downer month. The excitement and anticipation of the holidays ended abruptly only to be filled by long and silent gray days. But now, as I am older, I appreciate January a little more. It isn't because there is anything special going on; rather, it's because we finally have a moment to stop, take a breath and relax.


1 comment:

Kristianna said...

I like to think of it as an 'in between' time. Time to restock, and not worry about deadlines as much. This, sayeth the mom who realized today she has a birthday in one week. Which I will not stress over. :)