Monday, October 20, 2008

Playing Hooky Has Its Rewards

On Friday I went and got a massage, but I didn't go to school. I go to this little hole in the wall place that is decently priced. I paid $55 for an hour massage. Well, on the plus side of it, I am now even more flexible than I was when I went in. On the negative side of it, they discovered an injury in my lower back right around my right hip. 

Apparently I tore a tendon down there and have been compensating for it for years now. I'm actually suspicious that I may have injured it when I was about 13. I used to play basketball and when I charged the court I could feel my hips zig zagging their way as I ran furiously to keep the ball in my control. Unfortunately, I think I probably ripped the tendons as I ran. I am apparently double-jointed in my hips as well, and according to my massage therapist, I am also more likely to really hurt myself. So we fast forward 15 years and I am laying on the massage table with the therapist asking rhetorically "what is this?". 

Saturday was a painful day. When I woke I could feel tension in my back and I knew it would be a bad day; which is really too bad because I was supposed to go to see my dad.

Yesterday wasn't so bad. I heard tendons popping, but there was no pain. 

Today I went on a three mile walk which took me about 45 mins. When I got to the point where I turn around I was able to bend down and put my hands on the ground with my legs almost straight! Yay!

So, although my massage discovered an old problem, I am thrilled that I can now bend down without pain, and for the first time in a long time, I did not have any muscle pain in my abs as I walked. Now that is a valuable day off. :) 


Kristianna said...

So was your hip making you unable to stretch to the ground palms down? Or did they also get the hamstrings but good? You don't even wanna know how bendy I am, it's weird... I guess I am glad all that pounding myself playing vball just messed up my shoulders (which still ache sometimes, ugh).

Did you find out about PT?

Elle said...

PALMS DOWN? Hell no. Now I can. But then, no way. And yes, it was tightness in my back that would stop me. I'm not sure if I'm going to do PT. I may just get more massages to keep that area looser.