Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What to do, what to do

I haven't gone to my gym since August, which is when school started. I like my gym. It's right on the water, so when I am on the treadmill I enjoy watching the boats glide gently through the waterway, the occasional bird swooping down to catch a fish and then flying on. 

Do I particularly enjoy going to the gym? No. But I like this gym. 

It costs $43/mo. In the past two months I have given them my money without getting anything out of it. I use it the most during the summer, if it's really hot out, and during the winter, if it's cold out. 

I much prefer going on walks outside, but for some reason, ever since I was little, my lungs literally hurt when I try to breathe in the cold air. I don't know if it's just acclimation or what, but I know that exercising outside when it's colder than 50 is a miserable experience for me. 

So I have been toying with the idea of canceling my membership. But I don't want to because I know it's my own fault for not using it enough lately. I had wanted to get to the gym on a regular basis this year, but it hasn't happened. Teaching all subjects for 5th graders demands quite a bit of time, and sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it's 5:00 before I know it, and by that time the gym is crowded and you can't get on the machines you want, which also sucks.

So now I am still left with the question: do I quit and then rejoin if I miss it, or should I just try even harder to get out of school at a decent time so that I am competing for machines with other women? 


Kristianna said...

What would happen if you rolled out of bed in the morning and went? Is that just completely laughable to suggest?

You'll figure it out if it's important enough to you. XOXOX

Elle said...

Well, I think I'm canceling. I think it might be wise to tighten my belt even further. Yoga DVDs work well too.