I know, I've been bitching in the past two posts. So here are my warm and fuzzies.
1. I am very happily married, and I think I really lucked out with my guy.
2. I am happy that I have a job and will have a job next year, and even if B is laid off, I will be able to support the two of us with my salary. We will be tight if it happens, but if it does, I am thankful to have my job.
3. Of all of the things I complain about, I know they are petty and insignificant in the the grand scheme of things, and for that, I am thankful.
4. Family will always come first for me, and I have no apologies for that. I am sometimes looked down upon because I don't attend all of the after school activities, but I don't go b/c I am attending to my own family at home, and when we add another family member, I will be even less apologetic.
Re #4 -- I get the same feeling of 'why don't you...?' about workin in Bun's class or doing for her school. I spend 30-45 minutes daily on her schoolwork with her, I know full well I put a lot of effort into things some people do NOT. I also know there are plenty of students in her class who are the youngest or singletons, and as a result, the teacher has ample help. I'm not putting my two other kids into some care or hiring a sitter -- when Bun is in school is their one on two time. ::thumbs in ears, wiggling fingers to moms who don't get that::
I get it. And since I don't live close to school, I can't exactly go home for a little while and then take a quick trip back to school to go to some PTA function at 7pm. If I did that all of the time, I would never get to spend time with B.
I will say that the one thing I have noticed is that the after school functions really have nothing to do with the teachers, even though my boss seems to think it does. It's about the parents having time to see other parents, and kids seeing their friends.
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