Saturday, July 26, 2008

Itty bitty baby steps

We bought a surf board the other week. The first day we had it, I barely got past the waves as there was a strong rip current from a hurricane out at sea. Actually I got pummeled by one wave that actually caused the board to hurt me, so I was a little freaked out by that.

Today I got back out and paddled around, but the feel of the board was a lot to get used to...oh, and there wasn't nearly nearly enough wax on the board so I was sliding everywhere on the board...I didn't catch anything, but I really didn't try...just had to get a feel for it. Hopefully next time, now that I know the feel of it, I will feel comfortable and more likely to try and catch some waves.

I guess for me it just takes baby steps. I guess that will have to do. :)

1 comment:

Kristianna said...

You know, there is a lot to be said for just paddling. I personally enjoy it -- it's a nice way to get some sun, the bobbing, etc.