Monday, September 15, 2008


Today I learned how to say hello in Chinese. I have a student who is Chinese, and she taught me hello and goodbye. She speaks Mandarin, which is obviously useful to know. So anyway, hello sounds like nyee-how. I don't remember goodbye. But I am hoping to pick up some Mandarin this year. Even if I can't read it, it would be cool to know some phrases. 


1 comment:

Kristianna said...

Dude, every 3 yr old knows that! (There is a show called Ni Hao Kai Lan, LOL! It's on Nick.) I'm just kidding! I am up WAY too early, since Cole woke at 4:15 and took about 75 mins to go back to sleep, so I'm just awake and about to give up on the hope of sleep, and make coffee. *yawn*